April 3, 2018
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Kristine L. Hill called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00 PM.

Commissioners Derrick Maupin, Al Wildman and Scott Meier were present. Commissioner Todd Tornow was absent. Police Chief Terry Strike and Assistant Clerk Jamie McIntire were also present. Village Clerk, Kathy Leathers, recorded the written and audio minutes. The meeting was also video recorded.

Mayor Hill led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the March 20, 2018 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Hill advised that I’m still working with the Recreation Board. We’re going to be going over our shopping list of what we need such as plywood, paint and all that stuff. Anyone who is interested in helping, we were planning on doing a clean up on Saturday but that’s kind of turned South due to weather. I think we’ll just worry about getting our supplies ready for when the weather breaks.

Mayor Hill also turned to Chief Strike and asked if they were starting Spring Clean Up. He said yes and they will be sending out notices soon.

Remarks from Guests
Village resident Mary Jo Sigel said last meeting you talked about the summer day care starting and setting up how much you plan on loaning them. Mayor Hill said not right now because they have their own budget, so they’re working within that appropriation. It’s not so much a loan because they are under our structure of our appropriations. If they do need a little bit for a startup cost, then yes it will be adjusted. At another meeting, they turned in all their projected costs and budgetary items. Sigel said but you said they would plan on paying it back. Mayor Hill said yes, it’ll run on its own. The day care ran on its own but sometimes it’s just getting over that hurdle of getting things running again. I think it’s great that the kids are going to have some place to go. Sigel said exactly. They need some place in the summer.

Sigel said also, we’ve had a bunch of stray cats again. Who do we call or what do you want us to do about it? Do you want us to catch them? Mayor Hill said if they’re on your property it’s your prerogative. We do have our animal control that we pay for every year. You can get a hold of Chief Terry Strike. Chief Strike asked how many cats are we talking. Sigel said I think there is 4 at one place and 2 at the other. I can catch them. Strike said no I’ll just have animal control take care of it. Mayor Hill said that way if they are somebodies pet they can get them back to them. Sigel said these are coming from the neighbors. Strike said I’ll call animal control. They usually give me 3 cages for live catch. I catch them and they keep the good cats and try to farm them out. The others if they are mangy then they’ll be euthanized.

Village resident Deb TerBush said you mentioned earlier about maybe another internet company coming to town. Mayor Hill said yes. TerBush asked is that still in the works. Mayor Hill said yes, they are getting closer all the time. They have gotten through a lot of their permits. I know Frontier has really capped out because they only have so many circuits and it’s really gotten slow lately. TerBush said yes, that’s why I’m asking. Do we know who this company is yet. Mayor Hill said, but they want to make an announcement and they want to have a sign up. So I don’t want to spoil that. It is one that is very familiar to everyone. They’ve worked really hard to work with the State for permits. It’s just that final man power to finish that last link into town. The last time I spoke with them they were hoping to get things started in May. So, it is close. I can contact them again to let them know that people are tapping their foot. TerBush said it’s getting bad. Mayor Hill said they asked if they can have an actual sign up and I said anyone can have an actual sign up date. If they want to utilize this space they can. It’ll be a good thing. I’m not trying to hold out on anybody. I’m just trying to honor their wishes. But I agree. It needs to be done.

Unfinished Business
The Council began to review the 2018-2019 Appropriations Ordinance NO. O13-18-04-03. Mayor Hill asked if everyone had a chance to look through it. I’d really like to do this while Commissioner Maupin is still on the Council since he helped put it together. I don’t wish to put that on others. If there’s any questions or issues go ahead. Mayor Hill asked Clerk Leathers if she had anything to point out. Leathers said basically all we did was added Commissioner Wildman’s figures that he had and redid the totals. It came out basically the way it was when I showed it to you earlier. Mayor Hill said we also cleaned up some line items and allocated some of those funds. We’re in line with the Watermain Project. We took all that into consideration. I’d like someone to make a motion and to pass our appropriations for the upcoming year. A motion was made by Commissioner Maupin with a second from Commissioner Meier. “Yes” votes were Maupin, Wildman, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

New Business
The meeting turned to discussing the resignation of Council Commissioner Derrick Maupin. Mayor Hill said he’s like my son. I really appreciate you stepping up and doing what you did. You went above and beyond and I really appreciate it. Mayor Hill asked Maupin if he’d like to say anything. Maupin said I want to thank all of the Village staff, especially Mayor Hill and Clerk Leathers. You guys were right there for me when I needed you. Tampico has been my home forever. I’m sad to leave but it’s time. Mayor Hill said you have to do what’s best for your family. Maupin said yes. This will put me closer to work. For 8 years now I’ve been driving an hour each way to work. This is going to put me closer and that’s purely what this decision is about. I’ll have more time for my family. Mayor Hill thanked Maupin again and said regretfully, but I do congratulate you and your family, I need a motion and a second. A motion was made by Commissioner Wildman with a second from Commissioner Meier. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried. Maupin thanked the Council and the Council thanked Maupin for his time with them.

The Council then began to discuss the possible appointment of a new Council Commissioner. Mayor Hill said with great pleasure, a life time friend and Tampico native that cares about the Village very much, has stepped up to take this place for the next year. I would like to present to our Council Tim Church to sit as a Commissioner for the remaining year. I would need a motion and a second. A motion was made by Commissioner Meier with a second from Commissioner Wildman. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Newly appointed Village Commissioner Tim Church took his place at the Council Table where Village Clerk Kathy Leathers administered the oath of office and presented Church with information to assist him with carrying out his duties.

The meeting turned to the discussion of a possible donation to the Tampico Memorial Cemetery. Mayor Hill said we’ve done this in the past and they are in need of funds. They sent us a letter the first of the month and it slipped out of my emails, but I want them to know that we will support them again. Clerk Leathers said we donated $300 last year. Mayor Hill said I think they deserve that. They try very hard to keep up. I believe they pay $5,000 in maintenance. I encourage people to remember them if they’re doing a memorial or a donation or anything. I need a motion and a second for the $300 donation to the cemetery. A motion was made by Commissioner Wildman and a second from Commissioner Meier. “Yes” votes were Church, Wildman, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

The Council began to review the Draft of Ordinance to Vacate Alley. Mayor Hill said there were a couple topics that recently came up. The Tompkins bought the Olson farm over by the cemetery. When I was looking at the plans, there was an alleyway easement dissecting through this whole property. At the same time, Beth Etheridge found some old records that show that alleys had been vacated through the town. So, we had the attorney pull up the title search and we found that the alleyways out on that property, as well as the alleyway behind the Etheridge’s, had been vacated years ago back in the 1800’s. The only thing that was left on the Olson property was their driveway. But there are no utilities going back to their property. So, the Tompkins have paid for the title search, which was $100. I suggest that we vacate that alleyway. We have no purpose for it. It serves no purpose whats-so-ever. If they’re willing to assume it and make it their own driveway and maintain and everything else, we do so for the best interest of the Village. Rather than years later the next board is finding themselves in a situation where it gets sold off and then the owner is saying it’s the Villages and we want it black topped. I think it would be better if we eliminate that. They’re fine and have their own septic and water out there at that property. This would make it so if someone else bought the property years down the road we only bring it to the property line and not clear down our easement. That saves more money for the Village. I just wanted to bring it to the table that the Tompkins would like to assume this little right-of-way and we vacate and turn it over to the property owner. Chief Striker said we don’t really do much maintaining on it anyways. Mayor Hill said at one time I think we actually did plow it. But since they have taken it over they have taken care of that as well. Our attorney also agreed that he thought it was in the best interest of the Village since we have no interest in it. I would like to present and hopefully accept the ordinance at the next meeting to vacate to the Tompkins. I just wanted everyone to have a chance to read through everything. If anyone in the public has any questions or wants to know more about it; I want everyone to have a chance to weigh in about it. There are several alleys that we’ve wondered about, and this unveils several alleyways and easements that were vacated a long time ago. That’ll help with the future too. It answers a lot of questions I had and I wish we would have done this title search 10 years ago to solve a lot of issues. I’m glad it’s done now. Mayor Hill asked if there were any questions or concerns. There were none. Mayor Hill said this will be put on the next agenda.

There were no communications at this time.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Wildman with a second by Commissioner Church. “Yes” votes were Church, Wildman, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:19 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Kathy A. Leathers

Kristine L. Hill


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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