March 5, 2019
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Kristine L. Hill called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00 PM.

Commissioners Jim Coleman, Al Wildman and Scott Meier were present. Commissioner Todd Tornow was absent. Police Chief Terry Strike, Police Officer Will Lukehart and assistant Clerk Jamie McIntire were also present. Village Clerk, Kathy Leathers, recorded the written and audio minutes. The meeting was also video recorded.

Mayor Hill led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the February 19, 2019 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Commissioner Coleman said my last email said the bid is opening and scheduled for the 13th at 2:00pm at Village Hall. Mayor Hill said I will be here for that. That day is a Wednesday. Coleman said the Council will have to pass the loan resolution at the next meeting on the 19th. Mayor Hill said we’re moving along with the Water Main Replacement Project very well.

Mayor Hill said I found out through the grapevine that there will be no Tampico Days this year. Commissioner Coleman said that the Mens Club is not going to be putting up a tent this year or have a band. That does not mean Tampico Days can’t happen. Mayor Hill said I’ve talked to a couple people, one being Rick Dean who helps host the car show, and said some of us need to come together and get something going. When it all started it was Tampico Centennial, and that happened around the third week of July. That date started having too many other events happening, and now the same can be said for the third week of June. There are a lot of events happening around that time in Sterling and Rock Falls. I think we should do just a 1 day blowout in our downtown area, which would also help our local businesses. Village resident Deb TerBush said a lot of people were asking me about the fishing derby for the kids, and I said my advice for you guys is to go and talk to the city. I also know the Lions Club does the parade. Mayor Hill said we’ve also talked in the past about if the Men’s Club were not going to do the mud volleyball, we have the ground behind the trailers out back for that. Coleman said it’s been held there before. Mayor Hill said anyone that is interested in trying to help create something on maybe a different/better date, because the numbers have been going down because of so many other things going on during the third weekend of June. Maybe we can find just 1 day during the summer for us to have a 1 day blowout where we have several events going on. People’s interests are quite diverse. There will be those who want to be apart of the fishing derby, then those who will want to be apart of the mud volleyball. I think we can work out something to have at least 1 day to bring people back home, like a homecoming, and have a parade and all that. TerBush said Larry Specht told her that there are still some prizes that were left over from the fishing derby at the Men’s Club. Mayor Hill said that’s something we’ll need to bring to the table. TerBush said I know it was Alisha Wetzell who put on the fishing derby last year. Mayor Hill said they also had painting at the park. Police Officer Will Lukehart asked why does it have to be in the summer? There’s always so much going on in the summertime, why don’t we do something in late September or early October? Mayor Hill said that could be very possible. Lukehart said Erie was having trouble with their car show during the summer, so they moved it to the end of September and the attendance picked up like you wouldn’t believe. Maybe have ours during early fall while the weather is still decent to have an outdoor event. Mayor Hill said I totally agree. I’d like to speak to anyone who is interested and maybe put together a committee and start brainstorming on what we can do. I do want our businesses involved. I’d like for everyone to come together and talk something out and come up with some ideas. It may be small this year but I don’t want to give up the ship completely. We need to come together and have those events like the ice cream social, the fireman’s pancake breakfast and all the good things that we’ve grown up with. Clerk Leathers said it’s something good for the kids. Even just having like a little arcade where they toss the rings onto the bottles and things like that. Mayor Hill said we could even hold an event in the gym for the kids too. We could roll paper out and have them paint on the paper if it’s raining out at the park. There are lots of options. I was disheartened when I heard through the grapevine about the end of Tampico Days. I wanted to make mention to the public that I’d like to try and keep something going. I don’t want to see it end like that. Coleman said as far as I know, there’s not enough help for us 60 year old guys on the Men’s Club anymore. Last year the weather was so hard that I personally had to walk away. It was close to 100 degrees with 100% humidity and I couldn’t take it anymore, especially after already working a full day of work before helping out. And we only had 4 guys there helping with 3 of those 4 also working ahead of time. It’s also not making the money to support itself and the donations we make every year. We donate scholarships, to the cemeteries, the historical society and all that. Coleman said the one things that I did hear, which is just a discussion between Jared Strader and Jeff Hinton, they talked about putting up a stage between the two of them for a weekend. Mayor Hill said and I think down more towards Bonnie Anderson too, near the Kickback. Making it equal between the 2 bars. Coleman said right, and I think that’s what they meant. A centrally located area on Main Street. Mayor Hill said there’s a lot of details to work out for restrooms and all of that that goes along with it. If we can get to a table and someone can take the lead, or even if I have to take the lead, and set a date to meet and start discussing Tampico Days or even Tampico Day and see what we can do. We can see what dates are open and use the Wifi here to check around on the internet and search the calendars of other towns and what they have going one. We need to have a brainstorm meeting. There are a lot of people that still look forward to Tampico Days every year. People were shocked when I told them it wasn’t happening this year. Coleman said what surprised me is how they were able to fill each team for the mud volleyball every year. It amazes me on how much people enjoy that. Mayor Hill said and we do have the space to do that right here by the trailers, and that’s still walking distance to everything else going on. TerBush said that’s where the mud volleyball originally started too. Mayor Hill said if anyone wants to get a hold of me to hash out a date, we can talk to some people and set that up. We need to do something. Coleman said I know the Men’s Club would help out some, whether it’s getting the porta potties or something like that since we already have a handle on that. The tough part is the liquor license. Mayor Hill said we have our special permits, so for our businesses we have that covered. That’s why I want to get something going now so we can still have the art in the park and the beer fest and all the special events. Mayor Hill asked does anyone have a suggestion for a date and time to have a meeting? The sooner the better. Lukehart said just pick a night during the week and say be there or be square. Mayor Hill asked should be shoot for next Wednesday the 13th? We can have it start at 6pm and cap it off no later than 8pm. The council members agreed. Mayor Hill said it’ll be Wednesday the 13th of March at 6pm and at 8pm it’s done so we’re not just spinning wheels. We’ll make some fliers and spread the word to help revive Tampico Days. We can start putting some ideas down. We need to get something rolling and get the word out there.

Mayor Hill said the other thing I has was now that the snow is thawing out, please help clean up Tampico. Rather than complain about the garbage, take some time and help clean up. Even if it’s only 5 minutes. We’re also going to start sending out the ordinance violations. I urge people to try and help. I know Shirley Lester posted on Facebook today about getting some organizations to help clean the park. Deb TerBush said she suggested to Lester to contact the schools for help. Mayor Hill said that’s a good idea. They could take an afternoon to get out and help clean the parks. TerBush said I think the FFA helped clean up Eclipse Square over in Prophetstown. Maybe they can come help us too. Leathers said they do like to do community outreach.

Remarks from Guests
There were no Remarks from Guests at this time.

Unfinished Business
Mayor Hill said Commissioner Coleman got us up to date with the Water Main Replacement Project.

New Business
Mayor Hill asked if anyone has been working on their budget sheets. A 1st draft will need to be done for the next meeting and discussion will take place about appointing a committee of the whole. Maybe a Saturday afternoon we can get together and hash things out and get a better understanding of the budget. That way if there are any questions it would be a good time to work all that out. That will be discussed more at the next meeting.

Clerk Leathers said the Municipal Minute gave a timeline for the new wage increase up to $15.00 an hour. It’ll be 2025 before the $15.00 is in effect. It’ll go up in increments every year until then. Mayor Hill said we already start out above minimum wage so if we keep with our increments, we’re in good shape already.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Coleman with a second by Commissioner Wildman. “Yes” votes were Coleman, Wildman, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Mayor Hill reminded everyone of the meeting that will be held at Village Hall to discuss Tampico Days will be Wednesday, March 13th from 6pm to 8pm.

The meeting adjourned at 7:19 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Kathy A. Leathers

Kristine L. Hill


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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