May 7, 2024
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.

Commissioners Susan Dean, Jim Coleman and Tammy Kendell were present. Commissioner Sherry Coleman was absent. Chief Strike and Village Public Works Superintendent, Tyler Chriest, were also present. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.

Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the April 16, 2024 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Peltier reported that the fuel barrel at the maintenance shed was replaced due to sediment and rust.

Superintendent Chriest reported that the Village dumpster clean-up days was completed. It wasn’t the best turn out but between Mayor Peltier and Chief Strike’s efforts, we were able to get both dumpsters filled.

Chriest also reported that the PLT students came for their service day. They helped by placing mulch at Reagan Park and Booth Park. Chriest added that it went very well.

Chriest added that the Village also recently completed the E-Waste and tire drop off day. There were enough items dropped off to fill up 4 pallets. Chriest said it will be up to the Council if they’d like to continue doing this once a year, or we can encourage residents to take their items to the Whiteside County Highway Department. Chriest said it did take all day to get all the items loaded and hauled off. For the first time since Chriest has worked here, all the e-waste the Village has collected and placed in the trailer is gone. Chriest added that it might be a good idea to consider getting rid of the trailers in the back ally of the Village Hall. They require some work if we keep them, and Chriest didn’t think it was worth the cost. The Mayor and Council agreed. Chriest also said that could make a nice lot to sell to someone.

Chriest said he’s talked with part-time Public Works employee, Steve Zigler, about possibly moving the playground equipment on the east side of the building out to the ball diamonds. It might get used more that way. Then the area it currently sits in can be filled in to try and help maintain the weeds.

Chriest advised the after the recent storm, they have tried picking up all the stray branches that people put out by the road that fell because of it. If any were missed, he apologized and said to have them by the road so if they see it, they’ll pick it up.

Chriest reported that he’s noticed after these storms that there is an issue with one of the storm lines. The line he’s referring to is the one tied into Market Street, heading west towards the railroad tracks. Chriest plans to investigate that further later this week.

Chief Strike reported that he’s still in the process of getting some of the buildings here in town taken care of. Bev Adamson is supposed to have information to Chief Strike by the end of May for what she plans to do with the old barber shop building. Lauren Jensen who owns the old Chriest Garage said he’ll have his building taken care of by the 15th of this month. Chief Strike said he’s been in contact with the owner of the old Abell house and he’s cleaned the garage but now he needs to get the porch taken care of, and he’ll be reaching out to him tomorrow. Chief Strike added that he’s been following up with a lot of yard ordinances.
May 7, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes – Tampico Village Council, cont’d.

Next on the agenda was the approval of a fence permit for 201 N. Main – P. Adams. A motion to approve the fence permit was made by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Remarks from Guests
Mayor Peltier advised that Robert Zais was on the agenda to speak but was unable to make it to the meeting. He did speak with Zais and shared what he wished to discuss. Zais sold t-shirts and sweatshirts in honor of the 3 boys our community recently lost. With the money he made, he’s interested in doing a memorial bench at Booth Park. Mayor Peltier said they have the money for the bench and are planning to reach out to TCS about donating the slab the bench would go on. Mayor Peltier said maybe the Village could also help with this. Mayor Peltier said he hasn’t cleared it with Zais, but he hopes they can also include Alex Cannavo on the bench as well. Mayor Peltier said that’s what Zais wanted to speak with us about to see if we were ok with it and I personally don’t have a problem with it. Mayor Peltier is going to ask Zais if he’d like to be on the agenda for the next meeting so he can come speak about it further. Superintendent Chriest advised that there is an existing slab of concrete located between the two maple trees that’s not used for anything if they’d like to put it there.

Chriest added that he forgot to mention that the 4-H kids came and helped paint inside of the bathrooms at the park. He wanted to be sure to thank them as well.

Mayor Peltier added that Zais has a concrete bench picked out for the memorial. Commissioner Kendell said she was going to ask about that because she’d hate to see them put money into something like that and have it vandalized. Mayor Peltier said the concrete would be good for longevity.

Next on the agenda to speak is resident Gordon Sigel. Sigel said he’s lived here a year and when he bought his property, he didn’t know there was a problem with it until he’s been here a month and a half. Sigel said he’s been here before to talk about it. When he bought the property, there was a sidewalk that went around the porch on the South side. I thought that was part of the property, but I found out there’s an alley way that goes through there. Mayor Peltier said between you and the Johns’s. Sigel said right. Sigel said there’s an oak tree there that needs to be taken down or at least cleaned up. It has a split right up the middle and I asked Tyler to look at it. Sigel said he wants to put a new roof on his house but doesn’t want to do it until the tree is taken care of. Sigel said the sidewalks are all crumbled and messed up and that’s on your property. Sigel said you need to get that taken care of because I’ve fallen twice. Sigel said he spoke with his lawyer and the County. The County said that alley hasn’t been used in years. Sigel said you should divide that property between me and my neighbor. You need to do that and take care of that tree that’s going to cost about $5,000 to take it down because it will need a crane. Sigel said I need to know what’s going to happen there and I also want to build a driveway from the front of the road up to my house because the ambulance was there to get my cousin and they didn’t know where to go. Sigel said so I want to build a driveway and I want to find out how far in the front I’m allowed to build. Sigel said he would like to put a double car garage in front of his house and attach it. Mayor Peltier said ok so you want a driveway up to the front of your house or out of the back. Sigel said it depends on what you tell me. If I can build it on the front, then I’ll do that and put a door where I can walk in my house. Otherwise, I’ll have to go down the North side so I can get in my other door. Sigel said also that porch that’s on the South side is supposedly on your land. I received a permit to side it and then it needed rebuilding. Sigel said when I asked about that I was told no that I couldn’t rebuild it and if I did any of that it would have to be torn down. Sigel said the steps are wobbly. If I don’t rebuild some of that, I’m going to fall or someone else will. Then who’s liable for that. Mayor Peltier said you’re talking about the porch in between. Sigel said yes. It was built before I bought the property.
Resident Steve Sheffler said he had some information to add on the subject. Sheffler said he was told by his mother and his brother that when my father was on the Board as Water Commissioner, everyone in the alley that runs North and South, that’s not owned by the Village. It’s owned by each individual people on both sides of the street. On Washington and Lincoln. Sheffler said when his dad wanted to build a garage there, they said it was fine, but he wanted to trade them. He said I’ll let you take this over for an alley but you’re going to give me the land in between my grandma Davis at the time and our house. Which is the dispute you’re talking about, the alley that goes from the grade school to Washington. Sheffler said since I’ve been alive, there’s never been an ally in that spot. When my dad built a dog fence, he had to build it a foot from the property and that’s what he did. There is a line there and I understand what the line it. Sheffler said I haven’t been able to research it, but he tried to get it legally. Now I don’t know if you guys own that alley running North and South or if all the people still own it that live in those houses. When the Olson’s lived at the North end, that’s how they got into their garages. Those garages are falling apart now. The people that live there now, that garage was there when my grandma Davis still lived there and then Breninger’s built a new garage. According to his pictures, their garage was built 2 to 4 feet into that alley way you’re talking about. Sheffler said if my dad accomplished legally what he said he was going to do, do you know if that alley running North and South is legally owned by the Village. Mayor Peltier said I don’t know off the top of my head, but I can go over to County and look into it. Commissioner J. Coleman said are there power lines involved. Sigel said there is a pole in my back yard. J. Coleman said ComEd will knock your fence down to get to their pole. Sheffler said we’re not going to build anything. I’m just trying to give you information before you do anything about his situation. Sheffler said Gerber’s lived behind us when I was a kid, and that garage has been there since then. I just found out about all this information, so I think before you make any decision it might behoove you to find out who actually owns what and where and get the paperwork to prove it. Commissioner Kendell said there’s so many hidden alley ways in town. Mayor Peltier said I don’t think we’ll ever use that area unless for a sewer upgrade or something like that. Sheffler said a lot of people have built and if it wasn’t illegal for them to do what they did, it should be illegal for him to do what he wants to do. Kendell said there have been a lot of alley ways abandoned in town. Mayor Peltier said I can’t be responsible for what someone else has done in the past. All I can do is look at the ordinance and see what is says and go by that. If somebody wants to change the ordinance and bring it to a vote, we can try that. I can only do what the ordinance states. Sheffler said I’m just here to share this information and maybe someone can research it. Maybe someone let all these other people do all this other stuff when they shouldn’t have, and I know that’s not anyone’s fault that’s here. Mayor Peltier said he’s going to look into it and should have an answer by the next meeting. Sigel said I need to know right away because I have a guy that’s going to help me.
Resident Deb TerBush said when I did my alley way, I had to have it legally surveyed. I had to pay for it to be legally surveyed through Morrison. I have two lots that have allies and I had to legally take care of it. It was not the Boards responsibility to find out the right of way. Sigel said I found the post already. TerBush said you have to have your legal document, and that’s not up to the Village. Mayor Peltier said I’ll definitely look into it, and I’ll get the answer as soon as I can. Sigel said I appreciate that. If I can be there, I’ll show you where I want to put the driveway. Mayor Peltier said ok, we’ll address the alley way first then go from there. Sigel said what about the tree. You need to check that out too. Mayor Peltier said I’ll check it all out. Sigel said ok, then I’m going to leave. Thank you.

Tara Walters was preset to speak about the upcoming Tampico Days activities. Walters advised that the events for Tampico Days this year should be pretty similar to last year. The committee is trying to save any big changes for next year to coincide with the Sesquicentennial. Tampico Days will begin Thursday, July 18th with Bingo and Youth Dance. Friday with be the fireworks and live music at the ball diamonds. Saturday there will be a townwide garage sale, homerun derby, bake sale, the car cruise in, the kiddie tractor pulls and the beer garden with the Yacht Rockers performing. The beer garden will open at 6:00PM with the music to start at 7:00PM. Sunday will end Tampico Days with the pancake breakfast at the fire station, petting zoo, paint the town farmers market, bags tournament at the Kickback Saloon and then the parade that starts at 2:00PM. There will also be an ice-cream social at 1:00PM at the Methodist Church. Walters said she did have a question for the Board. She asked if Main Street could be closed again like usual. Clerk McIntire advised that she already has the on the next meeting agenda to be approved. Walters said one other thing. The committee would like to sell alcohol at the ball diamonds before the fireworks this year, while the live music is playing by Brenner Bushman, and asked if that would be allowed. Walters said the music will start at 6:00PM so the alcohol sales would be from 6:00PM to 8:30PM. The committee has separate wrist bands for that, and the alcohol would be sold by the Break Room Pub N Grub with all tips received going back to the Tampico Days committee. Chief Strike asked if the area where the alcohol is being sold would be fenced off. Walters said they could do that. Both Commissioner J. Coleman and Kendell said it would have to be. Kendell said it would have to be set up the same way they do the beer garden on Saturday night. Mayor Peltier said he would look into it to make sure that’s necessary. Walters advised that last year people showed up expecting there to be alcohol for sale, so that’s why they are looking into doing it this year. Kendell said it’s not a bad idea, we just need to make sure it’s being done properly. Clerk McIntire advised that she would add that date on to their Special Event License. Walters said they could also work something out with the Kickback Saloon if they would also like to sell alcohol at the event. The Break Room has already received the additional insurance to be able to sell the alcohol off their property. Mayor Peltier said we’ll definitely look into what’s required to make sure everything is being handled properly. Walters added that the Tampico Days Committee did receive their non-profit status, so once the bank account is established, the Village will no longer have to house the finances for the committee. Clerk McIntire advised once it gets to that point, it will be placed on the agenda to approve closing the account and turning those funds over to the committee.

Unfinished Business
Next on the agenda was to approve a bid for the garbage and waste disposal services. Mayor Peltier said my opinion is this, I don’t have a preference either way. I feel if we do stay with Republic, I think we’ll have to raise the rates that we charge our residents. There are some other options where if we choose them, we won’t have to do that and can keep the rates where they’re at and still accomplish what we need for the Village and at the end of the year, it’s not coming out of the Village’s pocket for garbage disposal. Mayor Peltier advised that he has had a lot of residents state that they’d like to keep Republic because they like Brad and how he takes care of the elderly. My worry is I don’t think you can base a decision on a driver because that might not be your driver for a 5-year contract. Mayor Peltier said I think Brad is awesome and we haven’t had problems with Republic’s service, but we need to keep in mind what’s best for all the residents and the Village itself. Commissioner Kendell said that’s how I feel too. If we were talking a hand full of peas that’s one thing, but it’s a substantial amount. Kendell said I know everyone loves the driver and I get that 100%, but when you compare them. It’s our responsibility to try to give back when we can.
Jim Pozzi, representative for Republic, said I know you guys have a hard decision to make. To be honest, Brad showed up to the meeting on his own. That’s how much he cares about this community. He’s truly become a citizen of Tampico. He goes out of his way for the elderly folks that he helps and things of that nature. Pozzi said I know we are a little bit higher but good service comes at a price. We are the only company that’s going to have Brad. Pozzi said with our current proposal, we kept your rate the same so you’re not going to have to raise the rates for the residents for at least 2 years. Pozzi said Brad might not be your driver 5 years from now but Brad’s your driver now. As long as Brad wants to stay here, Brad can stay here. Brad is a great employee, so you do have to take that into consideration. Pozzi said I understand that other companies are a little bit cheaper but at the end of the day, you all have good service with Brad. Pozzi asked is it really worth $1.80 because that’s what it boils down to, $1.80. Is Brad worth more than $1.80? I think he is. Mayor Peltier said give him a $1.80 raise. Pozzi said I certainly would. Brad showed up on his own. I didn’t know Brad was going to be here. That speaks volumes for what kind of guy he is.
Brad, the current driver for Republic, said I went out of my way for a resident on Kimball to return her cart to her garage because her husband was sick all last year. Pozzi said that’s the kind of thing you get with Brad. He knows the community. Brad said Mrs. Batten, she can hardly walk so I return her can for her. Superintendent Chriest asked if he also wheels it out to the curb for her. Brad said no. Chriest said then somebody is getting it out to the curb for her when it’s full. Clerk McIntire advised that there will have to be a raise in the garbage rate if we do stay with Republic because we’re charging what they charge us, and because of the time we were being mischarged by Republic.
Commissioner J. Coleman said I completely understand what you’re saying, but what does Midwest have to say in response. A representative with Midwest said if you were to go with us, this will be the second time that I’ve personally serviced this community. I hauled the garbage and the recycling back when my parents had Affordable Waste. With a new driver, it will take some time to get to know the ins and outs of the community, but we do strive to meet the same level of customer service they have or even exceed it. Commissioner Kendell said I have to look at it like this, if it was my personal property and I was going out for bid for something, and you guys would all feel the same if you were having something done, if there was a substantial difference what would you do. A representative with AM Disposal said we actually have a valet trash service. All the elderly would need to do is enroll at no additional cost. We try to go above and beyond.

Pozzi said these are all things that right now, you don’t have to do because Brad already does it. It’s very important that you have a good driver that cares as much as he does to show up here. Pozzi said like I said, I think Brad’s worth more than $1.80. Kendell said I’m not saying that he’s not. J. Coleman said we know he is. Pozzi said their rates are cheaper but are you willing to risk the service you have now for $1.80. Mayor Peltier said you say $1.80 but that’s just in the first 2 years. If you look at the life of the contract, by the last year, it’s a $3.00 difference per customer. Pozzi said the first 2 years we kept the rate the same. We have a long-term plan. We’re going to be around 5 years from now and we plan to be around much longer than that. We have to price our services accordingly. Pozzi said good service doesn’t come cheap.
Mayor Peltier asked the Council what they thought. Commissioner Kendell said I don’t want to table it again, but I also want to hear Commissioner S. Coleman’s opinion on it. I want to get it done and that’s my view on it. I also feel we have to look out of the people. When we raise other things, we also have to let them know we’re on their side in other ways. Commissioner J. Coleman said if you look at the life of the 5 increases, this is much more than that one. It’s our responsibility with what we’re trying to do in the community with relining our sewers and all that. Even though we’re getting a grant, we’re still responsible for a lot of those dollars. J. Coleman said this is one way, that we almost have to hope that this young man here…if I could keep Brad I would, but dollars are dollars. Mayor Peltier asked do you want to wait until the next meeting to make a decision. J. Coleman said I don’t have to. Commissioner Dean said I don’t think we need to wait. Kendell agreed.
Commissioner J. Coleman made a motion to approve the garbage and waste disposal services bid with Midwest Disposal, with a second from Commissioner Kendell. “Yes” votes were Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried. Mayor Peltier said I appreciate everything, and I know your time is valuable. I appreciate all of you showing up and I’m glad we’ve made a decision and now we can move forward.

Next on the agenda was to review, discuss, approve Police Chief and Part-Time Officer wages. Commissioner Kendell said she’d like this tabled until the Police Commissioner is present. This topic will be tabled until the next regular meeting.

Next was an update on the Lead Service Line Inventory. Clerk McIntire shared a notice she came up with to mail the residents that haven’t completed the required inventory. The Mayor and Commissioner’s liked the notice, and it was also shared with the Village’s engineer, Matt Hansen, who also approved the notice. Clerk McIntire advised that she’ll need the most recent list so it can be sent to those who need it. Clerk McIntire said that this notice we’ll be added in with the newsletter that should be mailed out next week. Those that have the notice included will have in red on the front of the envelope “Important Information Inside”. Commissioner Kendell said she’s been personally contacting the people that still need it taken care of and didn’t mean for it to explode the way it did. I feel bad for MO-ST and the way they’ve been talked about because this has nothing to do with them and their reputation. Clerk McIntire said unfortunately people were confused and speaking on the subject when they didn’t really know the correct details behind all of this. Residents are encouraged to call the office with any questions. Kendell said she liked that the notice stated to have people leave their name, phone number and address when having to leave a message because some people weren’t doing that, so MO-ST didn’t’ know how to call those residents back to schedule the appointment. Mayor Peltier said he likes that this is being mailed out so that person knows that they specifically need to get this taken care of.

New Business
The first topic under new business was to discuss, approve a donation to the Tampico Memorial Cemetery. Clerk McIntire advised that the Village has donated $150 the past two years. Clerk McIntire added that anyone who would like to donate to the Tampico Memorial Cemetery, they can do so at the Tampico Banking Center. Mayor Peltier said their monthly maintenance fee is $1,130 and the total for the year is $6,780. Commissioner Kendell said it’s quite a bit, but Dennis Crane does a very nice job. Commissioner Dean made a motion to approve a donation to the Tampico Memorial Cemetery in the amount of $150, with a second from Commissioner Kendell. “Yes” votes were Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Next the Council reviewed, discussed selling the lot by the Tampico Township Building to the Tampico Township. Mayor Peltier said he spoke with Larry Specht about this prior, and showed an image of where the lot is. Specht didn’t have exact measurements of how much they’d want but the lot is just North of the Township Building. The Township has already been using the spot for years with no issues from the Village. Mayor Peltier said he has no issues with this because we’re kind of a team with the Township, we just need to make sure it’s handled properly. Commissioner J. Coleman said they’re already maintaining that lot. Superintendent Chriest said they’ve been storing things there for years and even have a fuel barrel over there. Mayor Peltier said he’ll speak with Specht more and get more details, but he has no issue with this. If there’s fees attached with this process, maybe the Township can pay for that if they want this lot.

Last under new business was to review, discuss, approve Ordinance NO.O01-24-05-07 an Amendment to an Ordinance Establishing an Enterprise Zone within the Illinois Counties of Whiteside and Carroll. Clerk McIntire advised that this is an annual process so the Village can stay connected to the Enterprise Zone. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Building Permits
Building Permits approved by Zoning Administrator, Tyler Chriest, were 307 W. Fourth St. – Replace Deck Boards, 306 E. Second St. – Roof and Gutters, 108 N. Main St. – Gutters, 201 N. Benton St. – Roof, 205 N. Benton St. – Solar Install on Roof, 404 E. Market St. – Replace Stairs and Spindles and 210 S. Benton St. – Windows, Siding and Roof.

Clerk McIntire advised that the Village received quotes from jr. Sign Company to sticker both police vehicles. The quote for the Ford was $650.00 and the quote for the Tahoe was $200.00. The total for both quotes is less than what the Crown Vic was sold for. The Mayor and Council agreed to move forward.

Clerk McIntire advised that she had a phone conference with the Village’s auditing firm. That process will begin again soon and should go smoothly.

Clerk McIntire asked the Council to place on the next meeting agenda to either cancel or reschedule the June 4th regular meeting because herself and two Council Members will be gone on vacation. The Mayor and Council agreed to placing that on the next meeting agenda.
Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner Dean. “Yes” votes were Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Jamie M. McIntire

Bruce Peltier


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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