July 16, 2024, 7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.

Commissioners Sherry Coleman, Susan Dean, Jim Coleman and Tammy Kendell were present. Chief Strike was also present. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.

Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the July 2, 2024 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Peltier reported that the road project is about 95% complete. Helm will be back to complete the aggregate shoulders on the roadways and any other work to complete the project soon. They were also able to repair a few drainage problems.

Chief Strike advised that he spoke with Village Attorney, William Shirk, about some of the homes in town that need taken care of. Shirk advised that the Village do one at a time because Whiteside County will also have to condemn the property and it might be costly. That’s why Shirk advised taking care of one property at a time.

Chief Strike said he also spoke to Shirk about the truck that’s obstructing the view on the corner of Kimball and Main Street. Shirk advised Chief Strike to write one more warning, then give a citation if it’s not taken care of. Then the issue will be taken care of in court.

Next on the agenda was the approval of a fence permit for 409 E. Market St. – A. Anderson. A motion to approve the fence permit was made by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, Kendell, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Remarks from Guests
Village Resident, Deb TerBush, was present to thank the Council for the roadwork that’s being completed. TerBush said it looks wonderful and the drainage issue is much better.

Village resident, Beth Etheridge, was present to ask the Council if they looked into the burning issue that she previously spoke about. Mayor Peltier said it was discussed and the Council didn’t feel there was anything to change in the current ordinance. Commissioner J. Coleman said that Chief Strike has been patrolling the issue and making sure that people are only burning during the times that are allowed per the ordinance. Etheridge said she’s concerned that people are burning items that are not supposed to be burned. Mayor Peltier said our current ordinance already states what is and what is not allowed to be burned. If you witness something being burned that’s not supposed to be, contact the police so they can write them a citation. Commissioner Dean also suggested calling the EPA when it happens. Commissioner Kendell asked if it’s a certain individual that’s doing this. Etheridge said it’s no specific person. People are just burning when the smoke isn’t going toward their own home. The smoke is being blown towards other people’s homes. Dean said if you smell it and suspect that it’s something that’s not allowed to be burned, you should call the police or call the EPA. Or call the police if they are burning during the times when it’s not allowed to be burned.

Shawn Norment, who rents at 309 E. Third Street, was present to speak. Norment said the complaints about the burning of the leaves and trees are based on me and here’s my defense. I have been cutting down trees on the property. Beth Etheridge said I’ve never smelled anything at your house, ever. I’ve never complained about that with you ever. Norment said ok, then my music. My property is outside of town. I respect the town hours. My music is usually shut down by 9:00PM. It doesn’t have to be shut down until 10:00PM. I work at 2:00AM at the Tompkins Foundry so I’m never out there after 9:00PM playing music unless it’s from my phone. That doesn’t echo and there’s no bass from that. There are constant calls upon calls upon calls. Me and Terry just had a conversation. I respected the fact that he came to me and asked me, respectfully. I decided to take the initiative and do right by that man but I’m still getting complaints even though there’s nothing being played. Norment said the next thing is, I stopped playing music from my vehicles. I took all my music out of my vehicles but there’s still complaints about my vehicles. Then I have the police following me for no given reason. I have this lady, no offense. Commissioner S. Coleman said I was just backing in to back out. I am the Police Commissioner, Sherry Coleman. Norment said no, you drove past my house, slowly when you got to the house. Just listen…I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to everybody. S. Coleman said ok, go ahead. Norment said she drove past my house slowly after I talked to Terry. There was no music. Then she pulls off. Five minutes later she proceeds to come back to my property and pulled in my driveway. There are no trespassing signs all over the property. She sat there for five minutes until I decided to get up and walk toward her. The rest of the family got up. All we were doing was sitting out there, having a fire…in a contained area. Once we got toward her vehicle, she proceeds to pull off and speeds away. I had my wife follow her. My kids are concerned. I have kids in my house. I shouldn’t have to worry about my kids being uncomfortable because somebody is stalking their house. S. Coleman said I’m Sherry Coleman and I’m the Police Commissioner. Norment said I know who you are. S. Coleman said I apologize for the reaction…Norment said but then you said that you were looking for something to report. Why are you on my property looking for anything to report. There’s nothing illegal going on at my house. I am a respectful man that works. S. Coleman said the only thing I was checking on was the music. April Norment, wife of Shawn, said that was not the wording that came from your own mouth. I was standing there. Shawn said I am not in city limits. There’s nothing the city can do. That’s why I respected the fact that Terry came in. There’s nothing the County can do. S. Coleman said I understand that. Shawn said let me live my life. There’s no way I should have the police coming to my house at two in the afternoon while my kids are trying to swim and we’re barbequing because you feel there’s something wrong with my music. I don’t play rap all the time. I play country the majority of the time or old school music. I don’t believe my kids should be listening to kill this kill that, f this f that constantly. S. Coleman said and with all respect, I didn’t hear any music coming from your house. Shawn said but you were on my property, stalking me, trying to find something to report. You just said that. Commissioner J. Coleman said that’s her job. If there’s a complaint, that’s her job. April said she has no authorization or right…J. Coleman said and she left. Shawn said there’s no trespassing signs. Mayor Peltier said we can do this calmly without yelling. April said but again, we’re outside city limits. Shawn said I’m doing the right thing. Commissioner Kendell said like you said, you’re out of city limits so there’s nothing we can do. Shawn said but there’s constant calls. Kendell said but it’s not us calling. Do you see where we’re coming from? Shawn said if anybody on that block has something to say, they see us every day. They know where my wife works. They know where me and my sister work. They see me every day drive up and down the street. What’s wrong with them stopping me. J. Coleman said your neighbors have come and complained and we’ve told them that we have no right to do anything with what you’re doing at your place. Mayor Peltier said this has escalated way more than it needs to. April said obviously if she’s stalking my house. Kendell said I think stalking is a harsh word to use. S. Coleman said it was one time. April said it wasn’t just one time. Kendell said if you watched everyone who drives around in this town, you’d see many of them drive around the whole town at 5 miles per hour every day. Mayor Peltier said ok, listen. I just need a second. I completely, 100% understand your concern. I will talk with Terry and we will resolve this situation. I can also talk to you one on one if you want to find the time. I will give you my time. I understand your concern and I 100% don’t believe she was trying to do anything malicious. We have had people come in and complain and it’s not necessarily that she was going to find something to complain about…April said those were her words. Mayor Peltier said ok, I’ll talk with her as well and we’ll get this situation resolved as best as we can. You can voice your concerns with me one on one, but this moment is getting too heated, and it doesn’t need to be. Kendell said they’re out of city limits. Dean said they aren’t residents of this city. Mayor Peltier said you’re welcome to stay but we’re moving on. Shawn said I came to say what I needed and addressed it because we seem to be the talk of the town, constantly. I wanted to address my opinion and state my facts and let it be known. I appreciate your time. Mayor Peltier said I look forward to talking with you. J. Coleman said what I was trying to say is we told the complainers that we have nothing that we can do. There’s nothing we can do. Whoever is complaining needs to contact the right people. The right people are the County. The County should look up the State ordinance, which there is an ordinance in the State for music. I can get that for you if you need that. Mayor Peltier said ok. We’re going to move on.

Unfinished Business
First under unfinished business was to review updates on the Lead Service Line Inventory. Mayor Peltier said there were some emails between MO-ST, the Village and Matt Hansen and it sounded like they have 70 residents who haven’t responded. Commissioner Kendell said so what do we do. We have a deadline and it’s going to look like we aren’t doing our part for this grant when it’s the people not doing theirs. Clerk McIntire said I asked for a list of just the ones who have not been completed. Kendell said we need that. Clerk McIntire said it’s taking me some time but I’m trying to make sure we’re all on the same page. We need to double check with Matt Hansen, but I think if there are properties that we absolutely can’t get, we just have to assume that their lead. Mayor Peltier said we’ll ask Matt Hansen if that’s what we can do to complete this survey. That would take a lot of stress out of the situation.

Next, the Council reviewed Ordinance NO.O02-24-07-16 an ordinance authorizing lease of Municipally owned real property. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Commissioner Dean, second by Commissioner S. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Last under unfinished business was to review Lease Agreement NO.L01-24-07-16 a Lease between the Village of Tampico and the Tampico Men’s Club. Clerk McIntire said this is a 20 year lease to commence on August 1, 2024 and end on August 1, 2044. A motion to approve the lease was made by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

New Business
The Council reviewed the Test Inc. Contract for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Mayor Peltier said the price went up a little bit but what’s provided and the insurance policy for the Village with Test handling most of everything is well worth it. Commissioner J. Coleman asked how much it went up. Mayor Peltier said it went up $100.00 and it’ll go up another $15.00 for 2025 and another $15.75 for 2026. A motion was made to approve the Contract for three (3) years commencing on November 1, 2024 and ending October 31, 2027 by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Building Permits
Building Permits approved by Zoning Administrator, Tyler Chriest, were 309 E. Second St. – Skid Shed, 103 S. Fremont St. – Gutter’s and 305 N. Joy St. – Roof and Deck.

There were no communications at this time.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:22 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

July 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes – Tampico Village Council, cont’d.

Jamie M. McIntire

Bruce Peltier


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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