August 6, 2024
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.

Commissioners Sherry Coleman, Susan Dean, Jim Coleman and Tammy Kendell were present. Chief Strike was also present. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.

Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the July 16, 2024 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Peltier reported that Superintendent Chriest was unable to make the meeting, but if he has any information to share, he will reach out to let everyone know.

Remarks from Guests
There we no remarks from guests at this time.

Unfinished Business
Under unfinished business was to review updates on the Lead Service Line Inventory. Mayor Peltier advised that there is a meeting set for Monday, August 12th with Matt Hansen, Jill Peppin, Chriest and himself to go over project updates. Commissioner Kendell asked if a representative from MO-ST will also be at the meeting. Mayor Peltier said yes. Mayor Peltier said he intends on asking Hansen that as the deadline approaches, is the Village able to mark those unanswered properties and suspected lead or galvanized piping. Commissioner J. Coleman said she spoke with Gene from MO-ST, and she said she was thinking about sending someone here to go door to door and I offered to go around with them. Mayor Peltier said he would be free on Mondays and Tuesdays if they’d like him to help as well.

New Business
First under new business was to review a resolution for Capitalization Policy for the Village of Tampico Whiteside County, Illinois based upon the recommendation of the Village Auditors. Clerk McIntire said the Village is already following a lot of what’s laid, we just don’t have an actual policy in place. The auditors feel it would be beneficial for the Village to have one, so Mr. Shirk put the provided resolution together. Clerk McIntire said if there are any questions to let her know, otherwise this can be placed on the next agenda to be approved. Mayor Peltier asked about section 5 and if that’s the life cycle for that specific equipment. Clerk McIntire said that’s how that equipment will be reported for its depreciation. Commissioner Kendell said it’s a depreciation schedule.

Next, the Council reviewed the fiscal year 2023-2024 Treasurers Report. Clerk McIntire said the audit is complete. We are just waiting for the Annual Financial Report from the State Comptroller’s Office. Clerk McIntire said the audit went quickly and smoothly this year, which is always nice. This Treasurers Report is based on the final financials from the audit, just a more condensed version. If anyone would like to see the paperwork from the auditors, they can let her know and she will provide it. Clerk McIntire said if anyone has any questions about the Treasurers Report, please let her know. Otherwise, this can also be placed on the next meeting agenda for approval.

Building Permits
Building Permits approved by Zoning Administrator, Tyler Chriest, were 108 S. Lincoln St. – Roof, 107 N. Washington St. – Soffit, Facia and Repair Door and 202 S. Grove St. – Siding, Windows, Gutter’s and Deck.

The Mayor and Council were given their copy of the latest Illinois Municipal League magazine.

Clerk McIntire advised that Boss Roofing will be replacing the roof on the damaged pavilion at Booth Park. Insurance was able to cover $5,911.23 of the cost. There will be $3,000 of Village funds used to help with the repair cost. They are replacing the roof with metal instead of shingles like it previously had. Boss Roofing decided to take off approximately $3,000 of what it would cost to replace the roof. Mayor Peltier said they were going to replace it with shingles for the price of what insurance covered, but Chriest had spoke with Boss to see what it would cost the Village to have metal since it would last much longer. Mayor Peltier said it seemed like the smarter thing to do to use metal and pay a little more. The Council agreed. Clerk McIntire said they hope to start the work in October because they are waiting for the materials for the project.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner Dean. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Mayor Peltier said a few people walked into the meeting late and missed remarks from guests, so he asked if anyone had anything they needed to share.
Steve (no last name given) who rents at 303 S. Main Street was present to speak. Steve said I don’t talk to nobody, I don’t know nobody, I keep to myself. I’m curious of why this gentleman right here (Chief Strike) sends me a letter stating that if I don’t move my vehicle, which is properly registered, operational, parked on private property, if I don’t move it, I’m going to get fined $100 a day. Steve said this Board here approved him to contact the State’s Attorney against me which I read on July 2nd. So, my question is, what’s the issue. Mayor Peltier said the issue is sir, there is a crosswalk there. Steve said I didn’t park in the crosswalk. Mayor Peltier said no, please just let me finish what I was going to say because I did go by and I have seen it a couple of times, sometimes there are no issues. But sometimes when it’s closer to that crosswalk, people that are heading West, when they look South, they can’t see down the road to see if anyone is coming. Our concern is that it can cause an accident or something to that effect. Plus, you have to pull out onto the crosswalk to see down the road and school is about to start again. Mayor Peltier said I will say this. Maybe I could have come, or one of us could have come and asked you personally if it would be an issue to move your truck or just pull it up a foot. So maybe it wasn’t handled properly. I am sorry it escalated the way it did. It was not intended to happen that way. Mayor Peltier said that’s all it was. We just wanted you to move your truck a little bit so people could see South without having to pull into the crosswalk to see if a vehicle was coming. Steve said if you didn’t want it to escalate, why did this man right here contact the State’s Attorney against me on a legally registered vehicle that’s operational and on private property. You know how many vehicles I see out here, around town.
Commissioner J. Coleman asked do you know the community well? Have you been here for a while? Steve said I’m not trying to get to know the community. I rent. I keep to myself. I’m not trying to make friends with anybody. That’s why I’m quiet. J. Coleman said what I’m trying to explain to you is that that corner right there has had very many accidents with people being killed. Steve said well you know what I’ve noticed since I bought my truck and I park it there, people now make a complete stop at that stop sign instead of running it straight through every time. Now everyone that comes to that intersection has no choice but to make a complete stop. Steve said I use that intersection every day. I take my service van, I come around and come to the corner, and I see just fine. I make a left and I head out of town. What’s the issue. Mayor Peltier said just what I told you. That’s the issue we have with not being able to see when you get to that stop sign. Steve said so you send the police to my house and contact the State’s Attorney against me instead of contacting me personally to talk to me. It would have went way better if you didn’t send him over to my house. There would be no issues if you wouldn’t have sent the cops to my house to talk to me. Mayor Peltier said we didn’t send the cops to your house, sir. He has a job to do. There was an issue and there were complaints. He gave you a notice like he’s supposed to for his job. That’s what happened. Steve said so you’re telling me that if I was on vacation for two weeks, that my truck is going to get ticketed after seven days for not moving it. Mayor Peltier said possibly. Steve said that’s the route you guys are going to go. Commissioner Kendell said I don’t think it’s the route, I think we were just simply stating that we would like the truck moved a little bit. Steve said is that so you guys don’t have to stop at the stop sign anymore. Mayor Peltier said no, we still want people to stop at the stop sign. The school is right down the road and a lot of kids use that crosswalk. That was the main issue. To be able to see, you’d have to pull into that crosswalk. Whether you thought it was helpful with making people stop, then great, but regardless you have to pull into the crosswalk to see. Steve said then fix your intersection. Your stop sign is way too far back. The street is off. From my property to that next street, when you’re going down Main Street, the intersection is off. Fix the intersection then. Main Street gets wider after my house, so the stop sign is way back. It’s not my problem. Mayor Peltier said the stop sign is right on the corner. Steve said no it’s not. That stop sign is not on the corner. Kendell said it’s a state road. That’s not a Village road. It’s a state route. Steve asked Hahnaman road is? Mayor Peltier said 172 is, that goes right down Main Street. Kendell said those right-a-ways are state right-a-ways. Chief Strike said Hahnaman road is a county road. Steve said ok, contact county then.
Mayor Peltier said ok, I’ve heard your issue. Commissioner J. Coleman asked what is your name again, sir? Steve said Steve. J. Coleman asked Steve what? Steve said yep, Steve. Mayor Peltier said and to be fair, I did contact your landlord and asked if it would be ok if I came to talk to you. Steve asked what she say? Mayor Peltier said well it was after Chief Strike had given you the notice, and she said you can if you want but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. So, I chose not to go. Steve said yep, so just leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone. J. Coleman said that’s not going to happen if you keep parking your truck there. That’s all we’re trying to tell you. You can keep parking your truck there and pay your fines. Steve said then I will sue you guys. J. Coleman said ok, good. Steve asked what’s your name? J. Coleman said Jim. Steve asked Jim what? J. Coleman asked what’s your last name? Steve said that doesn’t matter. J. Coleman said it doesn’t matter to me either. You can read it in the minutes. I’m done. Steve said what’s your last name, Jim? J. Coleman said I’m done with him.
Mayor Peltier said ok, your five minutes is up. Steve said ok and walked out using much profanity. Mayor Peltier said thank you. Steve walked out of the meeting, continuing to use profanity on his way out.

Village resident, Gordon Sigel, was present to speak. Sigel said he came down to speak with Chief Strike but if you have an answer, I would appreciate it. Mayor Peltier said Gordon was wondering about the tree at his house on that property between the two homes. As I’ve said before, I did go over to Whiteside, and we can abandon the alley if we’d like to do so. Mayor Peltier said as far as the tree, he said Donny Cole looked at the tree and told him that it was no good. I’ll have to double check with Superintendent Chriest because when he had Donny check the tree, Donny told him it was fine. Sigel said that Donny told him the tree is not dead because it’s still budding. But it is damaged and has a split on the side. Chief Strike is going to come look at it tomorrow. Sigel said the split is what has him concerned. Mayor Peltier said ok. Sigel said he also spoke with Chief Strike this morning because there are ants in the tree that are making their way to my back porch. So I poured some bad gas I had down the side of the tree to kill the ants. The gas shouldn’t kill the tree. Commissioner Dean said gas is certainly not recommended to put on a tree. Please do not put gasoline on the tree. Sigel said I’m trying to get rid of the ants. Commissioner Kendell asked Chief Strike if he was going to take a look at the tree tomorrow. Chief Strike said yes. Sigel said I also had a motorcycle abandoned at my house and Chief Strike is going to help me with that. Mayor Peltier said ok. Sigel said I’d just like to know about that property. Dean asked if we abandon that alley, is he responsible for the tree? Mayor Peltier said yes. We’ll have that placed on the next meeting agenda. Sigel said thank you and don’t worry, I won’t cuss you out like that last guy. The Mayor and Council thanked him.

The meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Jamie M. McIntire

Bruce Peltier


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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