December 3, 2024
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center
Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.
Commissioners Sherry Coleman, Susan Dean and Jim Coleman were present. Commissioner Tammy Kendell was absent. Village Superintendent, Tyler Chriest, and Tampico Police Chief, Terry Strike, were also present. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.
Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the November 19, 2024 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.
Reports of Village Officials
Superintendent Chriest reported that they’ve gotten things ready for winter.
Chriest also reported that removal of the playground equipment on the West side of the RCC building has begun.
Chriest advised that there’s an issue at the wastewater treatment facility. An electric motor had to be purchased for one of the blower units. The compressor to the blower is about to the point where it also needs replaced. Chriest is in the process of getting quotes for that.
Remarks from Guests
Jay Chalder with Sub Surface Strada Communications was present to speak with the Council. We are a company that’s building fiber internet through the countryside. We will be coming to Tampico next summer, starting in the spring. Chalder provided the Council with print-offs of where the build out will be. Chalder said there are two possible locations of where they would like to place a cabinet. He provided a picture of what that would look like and it would all be fenced in with a 6 x 16 area. One possible location would be by the Village garage, but Chalder was a little concerned if that location would work. The other possible location would be by the RCC building where there’s already an electric pole and gas, but they would provide their own and not tap into the Village’s. Chalder said if you allow us to lease this area, we will provide one Village building 1G of free service. Chalder provided a blanket lease agreement for the Council to review. Commissioner Dean asked if they recently provided this to the Village of Lyndon. Chalder said yes. One issue the company is facing is getting the State permits taken care of in a timely manner. Chalder said they’ve been waiting over a year for the State permit to get things set up for Prophetstown. Chalder left the lease agreement with Mayor Peltier and said to call with any questions. Clerk McIntire said she can have the Village Attorney, Mr. Shirk, look it over if he would like. Chalder said everyone who has connected with the fiber internet has great things to say about it. It’s very reliable and we make the customer number one to make sure it’s put in right the first time. The Mayor and Council thanked Chalder for his time.
Unfinished Business
A motion was made by Commissioner Dean, second by Commissioner S. Coleman, to approve Ordinance NO.O05-24-12-03 an Ordinance Amending Title 13, Chapter 13.04 by adding Section 13.04.040 to the Ordinance of the Village of Tampico, Illinois – Access to Records. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dean, second by Commissioner S. Coleman, to approve Ordinance NO.O06-24-12-03 an Ordinance Authorizing the Village of Tampico, Whiteside County, Illinois to Borrow Funds from the Public Water Supply Loan Program. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
New Business
A motion was made by Commissioner Dean, second by Commissioner S. Coleman, to approve the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Schedule of Meeting Dates. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner S. Coleman, second by Commissioner Dean, to approve Resolution NO.R03-24-12-03 Authorization by the Village of Tampico Board Authorize a Representative, Mayor Bruce Peltier, to Sign the Loan Forms and Supporting Documents for the Lead Line Replacement Loan Application. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner S. Coleman, second by Commissioner Dean, to approve Resolution NO.R04-24-12-03 Authorization by the Village of Tampico Board Authorize a Representative, Mayor Bruce Peltier, to Sign the Loan Forms and Supporting Documents for the New Water Treatment Facility Loan Application. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
Last under new business was to review / discuss Adjusting Employee Wages as of January 1, 2025, to Comply with Minimum Wage Guidelines. That topic was tabled until all Commissioners are present.
Building Permits
There were no building permits to review at this time.
Clerk McIntire advised that the Village healthcare insurance and life insurance is up for renewal effective February 1st of 2025. A representative with Kunkel & Associates reached out with plan designs for each and feels these would be the best options for the Village after researching the current marketplace. There is a slight change with the plan design for United Health Care which is in bold on the cost illustration. There’s also a 0.22% decrease in the cost. There is an increase with the Humana life insurance of 4.60%, but that only adds up to an additional $15 for the year. Clerk McIntire asked the Council to review the information provided and if there are any issues we can ask for other options.
Clerk McIntire reminded Village residents to only have their garbage bins at the curb on the day garbage is picked up. Especially now with the snow on its way. It will make it easier for the Village to plow the streets if the bins are not at the curb. This notice was also shared on the community Facebook page and a text alert was sent. There will also be signs posted at the post office and Casey’s to remind residents to follow these directions.
Clerk McIntire advised that she spoke with the postmaster about the concerns that were brought up at the last meeting. She is in the process of trying to locate the owner of the building who oversees all upkeep that happens there. She did add the lighting situation at the front of the building to her list and will reach out once she locates the owner. Clerk McIntire also reached out to IDOT about the parking/sidewalk concern at the front of the post office. They said they have received several calls about that issue and are documenting everything to hopefully resolve the issue.
Clerk McIntire reported that Christmas in the Country is happening this Sunday, December 8th, at the RCC gymnasium from 2:00PM to 5:00PM. Everyone is welcome to attend the event.
Clerk McIntire advised that there was a recent gym rental that did not receive their deposit back because of how poorly they left things. The current deposit charge is $50 which sadly isn’t enough to cover the mess they left. That party will not be allowed to rent the gym again. Normally this hasn’t been an issue, but it might be a good idea to increase that deposit amount for when a situation like this happens. The rental fee could also be up for an increase since there hasn’t been one since 2022. The cost of heating and lighting the gym has gone up, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to increase both. Commissioner Dean said we could also decide the amount based off if the renter is local. Many places do that, they have a different rate based off whether you live in the town or not. Mayor Peltier said that’s how the Park District in Prophetstown handles their membership fees. Commissioner J. Coleman said the deposit goes back if they take responsibility and clean up after themselves before they leave. Dean said it could be a perk if the rental fee is a little cheaper for those who live in town. J. Coleman said the deposit should stay the same for whoever rents the gym because they’ll get that back as long as they clean up properly. Dean said absolutely. Clerk McIntire said the current rates are $50 for the deposit, $60 for the rental fee and $75 for the rental fee if a bounce house is included with the rental. Clerk McIntire said this doesn’t necessarily require a vote, but she would like the Councils input on the situation. This can also be discussed again when all Commissioners are present. Dean said do you think $100 deposit and a $100 rental fee for the day would work? Clerk McIntire said that would probably be better. Clerk McIntire said anyone who has already signed up for a rental would still receive the current rates. Mayor Peltier said I just want to make sure we’re not overpricing the people in our community. J. Coleman asked if it’s rented often by people who don’t live in town? Superintendent Chriest said the $100 deposit isn’t a bad idea. Dean said $100 to rent the whole gym for the whole day isn’t bad. Clerk McIntire said we could do a $75 rental fee for Tampico residents. Chriest said do $75 for the rental and $100 for the deposit and $100 for the rental if they have a bounce house. Dean said that would be fine too, I was just trying to make it easy. Utilities have gone up, so we need to increase it some. Mayor Peltier asked what the Men’s Club charges for the use of their building. Chriest said $50 rental fee. Dean said you’re not putting a bounce house in there. Commissioner S. Coleman said there’s no kitchen either. Mayor Peltier said maybe that increase wouldn’t be too out of line. Dean said there’s multiple restrooms too. I don’t think $100 is out of line. Clerk McIntire said if people would just follow the rules and stay in the gym and clean up after themselves. Now that the cameras are up and running you see a lot of people going places that have signs that clearly state stay out or do not enter without permission. There are signs everywhere and rules given for what to do and what not to do. Jennifer and myself go through everything with each renter and we’re very clear about everything that’s required when renting the gym. Dean said I think it should be $100 deposit and $100 rental fee whether you have a bounce house or not. Mayor Peltier said I was just looking at it that it’s currently a $50 deposit and $60 rental fee. That’s $110 total. We would be making a $90 increase. Chriest said I think that seems a little much. Clerk McIntire said we are cheap compared to other rental facilities in the area. Chriest said jumping it from $60 to $100 is a $40 increase. J. Coleman said I say $75 for the rental and $125 or even $150 for the deposit, then maybe people will follow the rules. Mayor Peltier said let’s put this on the agenda for the next meeting and think about it a little more.
Clerk McIntire said lastly, just wanted to see if a decision was made about having an employee Christmas party so plans can start to be made. It would be after the holidays when everyone has more free time to attend. Think about that and let me know.
Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner J. Coleman, second by Commissioner Dean. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.
Jamie M. McIntire
Bruce Peltier
**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**