February 18, 2025
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center
Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.
Commissioners Sherry Coleman, Susan Dean and Jim Coleman were present. Commissioner Tammy Kendell was absent. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.
Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the February 4, 2025 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.
Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Peltier said the items he had to discuss are on the agenda and no one had anything else to report at this time.
Remarks from Guests
There were no remarks from guests.
Unfinished Business
First under unfinished business was to discuss leasing Village owned lot next to Tampico Township building to the Tampico Township. Tampico Township member, Greg Cole, was present for the discussion. Mayor Peltier said that the Council members would prefer to lease the property rather than sell it, because it should be easier and quicker that way. There is currently a 99-year lease with the Men’s Club for the building by the water tower, and the Village could do something similar to that. Cole said it makes sense to lease the property. Cole said he’ll speak with their attorney about drafting a lease, who can also contact the Village attorney to make sure everything is done properly. Mayor Peltier said he’s fine with charging whatever it costs to do the paperwork. The Council agreed. Cole said he’ll also ask to include a clause that would dissolve with the building they plan to have on the property. The Council thought that was a good idea.
Next the Council discussed a donation to the Tampico Township for a digital video billboard. Mayor Peltier said to Cole that the Village is aware that they have already received some donations and just wondered what the Township was expecting from the Village. Cole provided the Council with contract information and quotes of what they will need to spend on this project. Cole said the more pixels it has, it will be able to be seen better but also cost more. Cole said they are currently looking at the one that is in the middle, the 16 millimeter. Commissioner Dean asked what is the donation you are looking for. Cole said the Men’s Club will be donating $4,000 or maybe a little more. Commissioner J. Coleman said so $4,000 or more. Cole said my opinion is the Village should be donating a little more than that if you can. Mayor Peltier asked if they had a date of when they’ll need the donation by. Cole said if something can be worked out by fall, that would be good. Mayor Peltier said our new fiscal year for our new budget starts May 1st, so we can discuss how to add this donation into the new budget. Cole said some of the expenses for the sign would be the electricity for it and the concrete, which he plans to donate the concrete work himself. Cole said the electricity would be provided by the Village that would just require permits. The board would require approximately 22 amps for the electricity. Dean asked if the Township has spoken to any of the surrounding neighbors that would be affected by the brightness of the billboard. Cole said the area where they’d like the sign is zoned commercial so if they were bothered by the brightness, they could pull their shade. Cole said he could find out if there is a timer with the billboard to only run certain hours of the day. Cole also said he would leave the responsibility of programming the billboard to the Village. People could call the office
during your office hours to coordinate what message they would like on the billboard. It could also generate some funds by giving residents or local businesses the option to pay to have a certain message on the billboard. Cole said he would like that for anyone who donates towards the billboard, would be able to have messages on it for free. And of course any school information, church information, or government information would also be free. Cole said this billboard will be beneficial to the community members who aren’t on Facebook. Cole said this in still in the preliminary phase for when you decide what funds you would like to allocate towards it. Commissioner J. Coleman said after breaking the numbers down, the Township would be spending approximately $17,000 and the Men’s Club donation of $4,000 you would need approximately $8,000 from the Village. Cole said that sounds about right, and the Township can also look into different companies on pricing. Cole said they’d like to have a 6- or 7-foot base around it to prevent it from being tampered with. This topic will continue to be discussed and decided at a later date.
The Council began to review the proposed ordinance for the water rate increase that was discussed at the last meeting. There were no objections so the ordinance will be on the next meeting agenda for possible approval.
The Council then began to review the proposed building code ordinance amending the Tampico Municipal Code relating to Incorporation & Adoption of Internal Codes. There were no objections so this too will be placed on a future meeting agenda, when ready, for possible approval.
Lastly under unfinished business was to discuss budget sheets. Clerk McIntire advised that she will provide the most up to date figures before the budget meeting set for March 4th, but if anyone would like that information before then they are to let her know.
New Business
First under new business was to discuss project scope for DCEO Grant opportunity. Mayor Peltier said this was the grant we previously discussed about possibly fixing up sidewalks or the area in front of the post office. Mayor Peltier said he received an email stating that this information needs to be provided by the first meeting in March. Mayor Peltier and Superintendent Chriest did some estimates for concrete and will need to get a few quotes. There would be approximately 600 feet down Kimball towards the school for the sidewalk which would cost around $32,000 going off $52 per foot. The sidewalk in front of the Kickback would cost between $25,000 and $30,000 so those two projects would be right around $60,000 and we’d have to figure out what to do with the other $40,000. The other option was for the area in front of the post office and fire and ambulance building, which we already have a quote from last year to fix that drainage and that was over $80,000 and that’s already put together to submit. Since there is a time crunch, the second option might be the better one to go with. Either way we go, it will benefit the town. Mayor Peltier said the area in front of the post office does probably affect more of the town. The Council agreed. Commissioner Dean said plus that project is already put together, so you get it submitted on time. Mayor Peltier said that project would require permits because it’s a state highway, but he already has the contact information to get that taken care of. Mayor Peltier said if that’s the project the Council would like to take care of, he can get everything going tomorrow. The Council agreed to go with the project in front of the post office and fire station/ambulance building. Mayor Peltier said I didn’t want us to miss out on this opportunity.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dean, second by Commissioner S. Coleman, to approve Certification of Information on all Loan Application Documents – Public Water Supply Loan – New Water Treatment Plant – Loan #177429. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner J. Coleman, second by Commissioner Dean, to approve Certification of Information on all Loan Application Documents – Public Water Supply Loan – Lead Service Line Replacement – Loan #177430. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
Building Permits
There were no building permits to review at this time.
Clerk McIntire reminded those required to fill out the Statement of Economic Interest forms to please be sure to do so.
Clerk McIntire also reminded everyone of the Sesquicentennial 150-year Celebration that’s happening in the RCC gym this Saturday, February 22nd. The doors will open at 1:00pm and the program will begin at 2:00pm. Mayor Peltier said they have a lot of good auction items. Chriest was able to get the stage cleared off for the event with the help of Bruce Hill.
Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner J. Coleman, second by Commissioner Dean. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.
Jamie M. McIntire
Bruce Peltier
**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**