March 4, 2025
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.

Commissioners Sherry Coleman, Susan Dean, Jim Coleman and Tammy Kendell were present. Chief Strike and Village Superintendent, Tyler Chriest, were also present. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.

Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the February 18, 2025 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Peltier advised that all information has been submitted for the possible DCEO Infrastructure grant.

Mayor Peltier also reminded everyone that the April 1st Election will be held at the RCC gym and encourages everyone to vote. The Tax Referendum will be on this ballot. Commissioner J. Coleman said if that passes, everyone who makes purchases in Whiteside County would be taxed, not just the residents of Whiteside County. Commissioner S. Coleman said there’s been a lot of good information about the details of the Referendum online. Hopefully people have more knowledge on the issue. Mayor Peltier said he spoke with Sheriff Booker about the Referendum and said the Village would not have to pay the $17,384 if it does pass because it would cover operating costs. If there’s money left over, is stays in that fund and can only be used for expenses related to the 911 call center.

Remarks from Guests
There were no remarks from guests.

Unfinished Business
First under unfinished business was to discuss leasing Village owned lot next to Tampico Township building to the Tampico Township. Mayor Peltier said we’re still waiting on them to provide us with paperwork from their lawyer.

Next the Council discussed a donation to the Tampico Township for a digital video billboard. Mayor Peltier said he’ll speak with Greg Cole to see if they’ve received any other donations and where they’re at with funds. Mayor Peltier said I don’t think they want the Village to donate $8,000 towards it. I think that’s just what they have left to make the purchase. I think they’re open to whatever donation we’re comfortable with providing. Superintendent Chriest said it was spoken at the last meeting that people could pay to put a happy birthday message or something like that on the board. Where would those funds go? Commissioner J. Coleman said Cole said those funds would go back to the Village. Commissioner S. Coleman asked if the Village would be paid for the lease of that land where they want to put the billboard. Mayor Peltier said it would probably be set up similar to how we have the lease for the Men’s Club building. It would be minimal. Mayor Peltier is also going to ask Cole if he has any other locations in mind of where the billboard would go. S. Coleman said Cole should try to get more quotes from other businesses as well.

New Business
A motion was made by Commissioner S. Coleman, second by Commissioner Dean, to approve Ordinance NO.O07-25-03-04 an ordinance Amending Section 13.28.120 Increasing the Rates for Water System Facilities, effective May 1, 2025. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried. Clerk McIntire advised that signs will be posted about the increase as well as a message on the April Utility Bill.

A motion was made by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman, to approve hiring CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Auditing Firm for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Audit. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried. This is the firm the Village has been using since 2022.

Building Permits
Building Permits approved by Zoning Administrator, Tyler Chriest, were 201 E. Market St. – Roof and 308 E. Third St. – Skid Shed.

Clerk McIntire advised that Mr. Shirk is still working on the update to the Building Code. It’s possible that it will be on the next meeting agenda to approve.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Jamie M. McIntire
Bruce Peltier


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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