May 7, 2013 – Rescheduled Meeting in Tampico Village Hall
Mayor Kristine L. Hill called the above meeting to order at 6:00 PM. She thanked everyone for coming out early for the changed meeting time. Commissioners Al Wildman, Bruce Hill and Mary Jo Sigel were present. Carlos “Butch” McNinch was absent. Utilities Clerk Anna Wetzell, Village Police Chief Terry Strike, Sergeant Boyd VanDellen and Art Spencer were also present. Village Clerk Kathy Leathers recorded the written minutes.
Minutes of the April 16, 2013 Regular Meeting were approved with one change to Page one, Paragraph 7, last sentence. Instead of Mayor Sigel, it should have been Mayor Hill.
Local business owner, Bonnie Anderson, Kickback Saloon questioned Mayor Hill about the closing times of local bars. Anderson advised Hill that the Illinois Liquor Commission website’s list of hours of operation are different from the village’s ordinance. Anderson stated the site was doing a voluntary questionnaire and hours of operation was one of the questions. She told them the village ordinance states the hours of operation as from “6 am to midnight Monday through Thursday and 6 am to 1 am the following morning on Fridays & Saturdays and Noon to 10 pm on Sundays”. Mayor Hill advised Anderson the Village is not in violation of the state listed hours. In this case the Village hours are correct and the hours listed on the website were part of a Voluntary Survey to list each municipality’s hours. Mayor Hill told Anderson it would be a small matter to straighten out.
Mayor Hill next told those present that both infrastructure improvement projects are mostly complete with only the fencing at the lift station to be put up and pavement repair left to do on West Market Street.
On a motion by Commissioner Wildman, second by Commissioner Hill, approval was given for an IEPA Infrastructure Loan Draw Down request in the amount of $23,424.40 for Fischer Excavating (Inv. #4) for costs associated with the West Market Street Lift Station Project. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Sigel, second by Commissioner Hill, approval was given for an IEPA Infrastructure Loan Draw Down request by D.J. Sickley Construction Company (Inv. #6 Final) in the amount of $51,077.33 for costs associated with the Waste Water Treatment Facility. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Sigel, second by Commissioner Wildman, approval was given for an IEPA Infrastructure Loan Draw Down request by Willett, Hofmann and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $3,485.20 for engineering costs associated with the two (2) construction projects. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Sigel, second by Commissioner Hill, approval was given for a CDAP Grant Funds Draw Down request in the amount of $10,358.37 from Fischer Excavating (remainder of Inv. #4) for costs associated with the West Market Street Lift Station construction project. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Wildman, second by Commissioner Sigel, approval was given for a CDAP Grant Funds Draw Down request in the amount of $5,500.00 for Community Funding & Planning Services, (Inv. #3), for costs associated with grant administration. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried. At this time all grant funds have been used and any other invoices will be paid from the IEPA Infrastructure Loan Funds.
There is little to report on the status of the remediation issue for the downtown buildings. Mayor Hill asked Commissioner Sigel if there had been any news from Attorney Ron Coplan about when letters to those involved would be issued. Sigel advised Coplan has been out of the office. Sigel told Mayor Hill she would keep checking with Coplan since the Council would like to have this issue taken care of by summer.
In other unfinished business, Commissioner Sigel motioned, second by Commissioner Wildman, that Ordinance No. O01-13-05-07 Appropriating Funds for Corporate Purposes for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year be passed, approved and published in pamphlet form. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried. The grand total of the appropriation is $878,760.00. The grand total of anticipated revenues is $950,373.00.
On a motion by Commissioner Wildman, second by Commissioner Hill to approve the purchase of updated meter reading equipment and a software update for $4,870.96 from H.D. Supply Water Works. The present system is outdated and cannot be maintained anymore. “Yes” votes were Wildman, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried. The Council instructed Clerk Leathers to hold payment until the equipment and software have been properly installed and are in good working order.
Village Clerk Kathy Leathers announced the Abstract of Votes Cast in the 2013 Consolidated Election as certified by Whiteside County Clerk Dana Nelson. On April 23, 2013, Clerk Nelson canvassed the returns of an election held April 9, 2013 and proclaimed and certified that the following list of candidates each received the number of votes recorded for the office of commissioner to fill three (3) seats for unexpired two (2) year terms. Allan Morthland 56 votes; Toby Jo Johnson 83 votes; Mary Jo Sigel 88 votes; Carlos “Butch” McNinch 59 and Alan D. Wildman 58. County Clerk Nelson has declared Toby Jo Johnson, Mary Jo Sigel and Carlos “ Butch” McNinch the elected commissoners.
Commissioner Wildman will be stepping down after 22 years on the council. Mayor Hill thanked Wildman for serving on the Village Council. She told those present it’s sometimes a thankless job but the dedication he has shown is commendable. She said some may say you are a man of few words. She quoted a verse that says: “He that hath knowledge spareth his words; and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.” She said she believes that pretty much sums up how everyone has come to know him over the years. She personally thanked Wildman for coming back to the council the last two years. She continued by saying his guidance has helped more than he will ever know. On behalf of the Village of Tampico, Mayor Hill presented Wildman with an engraved desk clock in appreciation of his years of service.
After a short break, the newly elected Commissioners took their place at the Council Table. Village Clerk Kathy Leathers administered the oath of office to two of the newly-elected council members and will present them with information to assist them in carrying out their duties. Mayor Hill and council members will make recommendations at the May 22, 2013 rescheduled meeting and discuss which Commissioner should head up the different Village Departments.
On a motion by Commissioner Sigel, second by Commissioner Johnson, approval was given for an intergovernmental agreement with the Whiteside County Highway Department to provide sealcoating services for the Village of Tampico’s 2013 Motor Fuel Tax Fund Projects. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.
Mayor Hill advised the council, Katie Fisk has been working hard to get all the information put together for the different activities that will be held during Tampico Festive Days so those attending the celebration will be aware of what is going on during the weekend and when.
Bonnie Anderson asked the Council why the Village hasn’t done something for the Men’s Club. She feels even a plaque to say “Thank You’ would be nice. They put a lot of time and effort into Tampico Festive Days. Anderson said it was just a thought and would be nice to acknowledge their community service.
Dave Beck asked why the Village hadn’t recognized the Lions Club for all they do. They don’t get any acknowledgement either.
Mayor Hill stated that everyone appreciates what everyone involved in the different organizations does. She reported that last week there were several groups out planting trees; flowers and cleaning up the parks. Mayor Hill feels trying to individually honor the different organizations that support the village would lead to someone being accidentally or inadvertently left out and cause hard feelings. She said everyone does a fantastic job. The council may consider an Organization of the Month or Volunteer of the Month program. Beck named a few other agencies that support the village as well. Commissioner Sigel agreed that it wasn’t possible to choose just one organization to honor. Commissioner Johnson thought in some instances such as driving by the gazebo seeing someone using it would be thanks enough for those involved. The Council did agree that most volunteer and community organizations don’t do what they do for recognition. Mayor Hill told Anderson and Beck it wouldn’t hurt to consider such a program to honor organizations or volunteers. She stated it could be discussed to see what would work.
Resident Marc Euhus had questions regarding a fence permit. Mayor Hill advised him to stop in at Village Hall to pick up the forms and ask to be put on the agenda for the next Village Council Meeting.
In reports of village officials, two building permits were issued by Zoning Administrator, Ron Kuepker. Dave Anderson – 107 S. Benton – to roof dwelling and Tracey McCarty – 309 E. 2nd Street – new roof.
Mayor Hill reported Electronic Recycling Day was awesome. An entire semi trailer was filled by those wanting to recycle tv’s, computers, etc. Commissioner Sigel told Mayor Hill that was a good idea she had.
Commissioner Hill told council members while helping with the Electronic Recycling, they noticed a couple of kids riding up and down the sidewalks on Main Street. Hill mentioned redoing the faded signs and painting them a different color to be more noticeable. Everyone should be aware there is to be no bike riding, skate boarding or roller blading on sidewalks, especially in the business district.
Commissioner Sigel asked Commissioner Hill if they had a chance to get the computers that have been talked about from the state surplus program. Hill told her the village was able to get two (2) computers for $50.00 each. Needed software has been downloaded and they are up and running. Sigel wanted to know if there was anything else they found there. Chief Strike advised Sigel the state surplus program has everything but copy machines. Commissioner Hill stated they even saw freezers there. Hill advised surplus program representatives have told them when the best times are to look for specific items that would be useful to the Village. Commissioner Sigel told them she was glad things were working out.
Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Hill. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.
Mayor Hill told those in attendance that due to the Tampico Middle School Graduation on May 21, 2013, the next regular meeting will be re-scheduled to Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Tampico Village Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 PM.
Kathy A. Leathers_______________
Kristine L. Hill __________________
MINUTES APPROVED THIS _22nd__ DAY OF __May____, 2013
**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**