July 2, 2013
The regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council was called to order at 7:00 PM, July 2, 2013 in Tampico Village Hall by Mayor Kristine L. Hill.

Roll call was taken by Village Clerk, Kathy Leathers, who recorded the written minutes. Present were Commissioners Toby Johnson, Bruce Hill, Mary Jo Sigel and Carlos “Butch” McNinch.

Also present were Police Chief Terry Strike and Sergeant Boyd VanDellen.

Approval was given to the meeting minutes of the June 18, 2013 Regular Meeting.

Resident Al Morthland again questioned the Council on numerous issues. Morthland has an issue with the police cars being kept in Prophetstown with Chief Strike. At the last meeting, Commissioner Hill told Morthland, that it has been and still is Village Policy to allow them to do such to make it easier for them to respond to calls in the Village. Morthland has an issue with the cost of gas to run back and forth before and after they are on duty. Morthland also wanted to know why the Tampico Police Car was present at Prophetstown State Park on a Sunday afternoon. He was told the car was there as mutual aid in response to a possible drowning and the resulting river rescue. Commissioner Hill told him it’s standard procedure to help other agencies when they are in need.

Morthland stated he had an issue with so many cops in town and in the beer garden during Tampico Days. He told the council they were driving people out of town. He is also concerned with the cost of so many policemen. He wants to know why the police department is being paid for so many hours.

Morthland asked the council if there is a problem with him selling vegetables from his garden. The council advised there should not be a problem with his doing so.

Morthland told the council he wants the gazebo in the small park near Village Hall to be closed at 10:00 PM like the rest of the village parks. He told them there had been incidents of loud music and groups of people gathering in the Lion’s Club Gazebo late into the night.

Resident Carol Camper told the council she is concerned with a maple tree growing in the park-like area next to Village Hall. She is concerned as the tree matures that it will prove to be a safety issue, such as interfering with the roadway and other such related problems. She told them it would be more economical to move it now rather than waiting until later. She advised maybe the Village could move it to the ball diamond. Commissioner McNinch advised her he would check into the matter.

Another resident was present to complain about the beer garden during the Village’s Tampico Days celebration. The resident advised it’s like the whole town is turned upside down. He also has an issue with nothing being done for the children during the celebration. He feels it needs to be more family oriented. Mayor Hill advised the resident to check with the Men’s Club about his concerns. She encouraged village organizations to get together and come up with plans for next year’s Tampico Days celebration.

The same resident also pointed out problems at the Ball Diamonds such as overflowing trash containers and water leaks in the bathrooms. Commissioner McNinch advised him, the Recreation Board Committee is to take care of the ball diamond. If something is needed, they are to notify the Village.

Residents questioned the council about the use of the storm warning siren. Commissioner Hill advised the resident he brought up a discussion on that subject at the last Council Meeting before the most recent storm happened. He told those present he and Mayor Hill have spoken to Representative Mike Smiddy in regard to finding funding to replace the current outdated siren. Hill and Mayor Hill stated the council is trying

their best to get things turned around in the Village. Hill said they are trying to get a much better system. Mayor Hill reported there are warning systems that can be activated by the National Weather Service.

Mayor Hill did say how well the Village, Fire Department, EMS and everyone helped each other after the storm on June 24, 2013. She said everyone should be proud of how well we care for our neighbors.

Anita Elgin, Recreation Board, was present to advise the Council how well the Men’s Fast-Pitch Tournament did during Tampico Days. She advised there were four teams so play was only on Saturday. A team from Rockford won the tournament. Tim Hatten, a former village resident, organized the event. Elgin also reported there are 91 children in this year’s baseball program. The season is winding down. She stated tournaments will be held the weekend of July 26, 27 and 28. She advised extra help would be appreciated if anyone would like to donate their time.

Commissioner Sigel asked Bonnie Anderson, Kickback Saloon, how her bags tournament held during Tampico Days turned out. Anderson told her there were only ten teams but everyone had a good time. Anderson said they started late and avoided the rain but everyone wanted to play.

There were no updates regarding the IEPA Infrastructure Project or CDAP grant status.

The downtown building remediation is still in progress.

On a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Sigel, Derrick Maupin was appointed to the Recreation Board to replace Toby Johnson who resigned his position on the board. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, McNinch and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Additional discussion was held on changing or adding to the Village Liquor Code. Mayor Hill would like to see the limit of licenses allowed done away with to encourage new business, such as a restaurant serving beer and wine with dinner, etc.

Additional discussion was also held on allowing golf carts and low speed vehicles on village streets. Mayor Hill said she is waiting for a rough draft from Attorney William Shirk. She stated the only draw back is that Main Street is a state highway and certain rules apply. Low speed vehicles are not permitted on a state highway.

Commissioner McNinch recommended the council approve the purchase of a 2006 Chevrolet 2500 Utility Truck for the Water and Sewer Departments. The village has been told the current Dodge truck is starting to need more and more repairs and is costing the village more money than should be invested in the older vehicle. The vehicle would be purchased from Piehl’s in Geneseo at a cost of $12,500.00 with the older Dodge Truck and older snow plow as a trade-in since the new vehicle will not be used to plow snow. A motion was made by Commissioner McNinch, seconded by Commissioner Hill to approve the purchase and use the older Dodge as a trade-in. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, McNinch and Mayor Hill. The motion carried

Commissioner Sigel asked if the older dump truck the village no longer uses has been disposed of yet. Earlier this year the vehicle was put out for bids but the council, as a whole, felt all of the bids were too low. Public Works Superintendent Tom Pierce was to have taken the vehicle to a consignment sale to be rid of it. Commissioner Sigel also asked if the recently purchased dump truck had been paid off yet. Clerk Leathers advised her it would be paid off this month.

Building Permits issued by Zoning Administrator, Ron Kuepker: Anita Stickel – 106 N. Benton – Deck Addition


Mayor Hill reported the Illinois Department of Transportation will replace the bridge over Coon Creek, two miles north of town, sometime in September. That portion of IL Route 172 will be closed to through traffic during the replacement. Alternate routes will be posted.

Mayor Hill also handed out a list of things the Village could purchase from the school district if it is decided the Village should take over the former Grade School building. Elementary school students will be moved to the newer school on Kimball Street when school resumes in the fall. She said no decision has been made who will have the opportunity to take over the building, but it would not hurt to consider the items in order to move forward quickly if the decision is favorable to the Village. The list includes items such as window air conditioners, security systems, playground equipment, kitchen appliances and the phone system.

Commissioner McNinch feels it would be a great opportunity for the village. He said people have asked what the village is doing for the kids, this could be the answer. In addition to having the gym, there would be kitchen facilities for use by the Lions Club, Fire Department or whoever. He said they used the Middle School for the Reagan Dinner but it would have been much easier if the Village had its own facility. Mayor Hill advised there are other agencies interested in sharing the space with the village. She also said other towns have done this with great results. Most of them are realizing a profit after essential services are paid for. She said the village council needs to pursue this and move forward.

Mayor Hill reported on a recent meeting with Representative Mike Smiddy. She told the council she and Commissioner Hill asked Smiddy for help with FEMA funds to help with village clean-up costs in the aftermath of the June 24th storm. She stated she also talked with him about becoming an Enterprise Zone. Smiddy said he will help and try to push these issues through. Commissioner Johnson advised Enterprise Zones in Sterling have been able to help people start up new businesses that otherwise would not have been able to establish themselves.

Commissioner Hill reported he has talked with Chief Strike and Sergeant VanDellen about coming up with an Emergency Operations plan for the village in case of large scale emergencies. The Police Department would work with the Fire Department to come up with a workable plan.

Bills were approved as presented on a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner McNinch. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, McNinch and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be on July 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Tampico Village Hall.
______Kathy A. Leathers____ ________________ ___Kristine L. Hill___________________
Clerk Mayor
**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**


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